Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Year in Review - April
Easter weekend I tried out for Big Brother all to be told I was "too nice" after my third interview. Bogus. I am not too nice. Too bad that's hard to prove when you're trying to get people to like you! http://rctalks.blogspot.com/2009/04/big-brother.html
The Year in Review - March
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Year in Review - February
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Mexico Recap
So here's Mexico in one word or phrase:
Airport, 5 AM. Chicago, 7 AM. Meeting up with the girls. Chatting. Plan to PV. Are we there yet? Hot and humid! Red light/green light. Holy panhandlers. Cab Ride. Fiesta Americana. Upgrading to the 9th floor. Walking to Soriana. Unpacking. Showers. Going to the Malecon. Dinner? Sleep! Vallarta Adventures! Whale watching. Snorkeling! Ahhh opposite currents:( Lunch buffet. Cocktails. Feliz Cumpleanos. Tequila! Nap time! Malecon...dinner...walking...sleeping. Breakfast. Pool time! Walk on the beach. Photo ops. Ay Caramba. Hilo. Zoo. New friends from Houston. Rough night:( Massages. Old Towne. OXXO. Pool. Nap. Showers. Barcelona tapas - best in PV. Malecon. Packing. Sleep. Pool. Cab to airport. More gross food. Plane. Chicago. International to domestic terminal. Plane. Home.
Year in Review - January
So January...cold, snowy and usually when the winter blues set in! Late in December Emily and the kids moved back from Iceland, so December was a bit of a transition month in my homestead. Emily started grad school and aunt Renschke was watching kids a couple of days a week.
One of my resolutions had been to cut out a relationship that was going nowhere and I sort of failed at that the very first weeks of the year...oops! Live and learn, right?
That's pretty much all I can remember from January so I think that means I didn't have much to complain about ha ha!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
It's been a long and stressful last few months and i'm actually excited about not having access to my email, facebook, twitter...you get the idea. Now i'm not sure I won't twitch because I don't have access to these things, but I think it will be really really really good for me.
Hopefully I don't spend all my time cut off from technology thinking deep thoughts!
Ahhh when will I learn to relax?? Wish me luck! Ole!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
My Grown Up Christmas List
Bad Dreams
So I dreamt about four things last night and I remember them all so clearly:
1. I was part of a really large family only the parents chose to acknowledge some of the kids. They would number off and say the kids names out loud. I was number 32. Oddly enough my real life little bro was number 31 and he did not get acknowledged either. Then the parents took all the #'s 1-30 shopping for new bathing suits.
2. There was an alligator loose in my bedroom. It was in my old room 2 houses ago in Worthington, and this was all discovered while I was laying in my bed. My dad moved the bed while I laid in it - paralyzed with fright. It wasn't behind the bed and they deduced that it must have climbed into the mattress! So I continue to lay there and whimper and woke myself up with the sound of my whimpering (this part is not in the dream, I was really scared!)
This dream was right before 3 AM, because then I couldn't fall back asleep...
3. I was dating Tony Romo. Walking through the streets pretending to be non chalant about my hot shot boyfriend. I would go and visit Tony in Dallas on his "off days." One time we were at brunch and he was telling everyone how much of a better person he was because of me:) Sweet.
4. This one is a little vague but my close group of friends were all walking through the Nationwide parking garage trying to get to a party. The garage was some sort of maze and there was alot of shouting. But, Alicia was pregnant which is accurate, but Jen H was there (and we haven't hung out with her in quite awhile.)
So anyone want to take a stab and analyze these for me??
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
13 Years
I will tell this story to my grandkids someday and recall it the same way I did at her funeral all those years ago. And I hope they will look at me with the same admiration that I always looked at her with:)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Now don't get me wrong I heart party planning, but when too many cooks get in the kitchen, the dishes don't get done. Know what i'm sayin? K enough about that.
I've blogged alot in the last couple of days, but mostly because i've had the ideas come to me and i've been able to get to a computer uninterrupted, so yay for sharing my thoughts with the world (I mean two people who read my blog.)
I feel like there is so much going on and yet nothing at the same time, so I thought i'd share some highlights from the weekend. I didn't want to ruin my Thanksgiving blog by saying anything negative, so i'll do it today:)
1. After offering to bring anything from a pie, to a side dish, to pop - all of my offers were declined by the powers that be. So I brought the pumpkin pie that I got after finishing the Turkey Trot earlier that morning. Not my style, but whatever. I was then told by said powers that my contribution was "heartfelt and thought out." Hilarious.
2. Yes at some point my mom did make a comment about me being "uptight." I believe the exact phrase went like this "despite all your traveling, education, job...you're still so uptight. In other words that stick is still lodged where it has been most of your life." This is equally as hilarious as #1. I'm still wondering what i'm so uptight about?
3. Black Friday shopping sucked! What exactly were people buying? I saw nothing that I had to have...strange the lines were intense regardless.
4. I was a little bored. What did I used to do with four days off of work? Why does it seem like the more people I meet, the fewer I have to hang out with?
5. Finally a good one - got to catch up with Kari last night. Love love how someone you don't talk to everyday has such a fresh and unbiased opinion of things going on in your life. This is why Kari and I have been friends since the first time we met 8 years ago!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cuz You Gotta Have Faith...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Home for the Weekend
Fast forward to Saturday and more shopping. Also went to see The Blind Side with mom and dad. Seriously if you haven't seen this movie, run don't walk. Okay now it's Saturday night and since i'm such a wild child, i'm at home blogging! One more day of the weekend-cross your fingers it ends well:)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I think it's because i've always grown up with a strong sense of community and the credo that "we can't do anything alone, everything is done better with a companion." This can apply to all relationships - work, romantic, friendship and family.
So here's the thing: i'm learning to be alone. I'm learning that it's okay to spend a Saturday night alone. That Friday, Saturday, Sunday - they're just like any other night. There's so much pressure to be constantly doing activities and not doing them alone, i've been conditioned to think that if i'm not around someone else that must mean no one wants to be around me. I'm going to bash this lie with everything I have in me. There are tons (okay maybe not tons) but a few people that would love to spend time with me. You just can't always be around those people!
And it's good to be alone. To replenish your inner energy. To discover and think and find the things that you're good at, so that when you're with those people you have something to bring to the table that will make them feel good too.
Now i'm not saying i'm not going to complain about being alone, but I really am going to try and be better at it.
One Week
So it's been a week since my visit to the ER. Here's the whole story and it's a little gross in parts...
A month ago, almost exactly to day October 20th I made an appointment to see my doctor. My ear did not feel like and there was some weird crust that had started to take up residence in it as well. Well the substitute doc assured me I was okay since "I didn't even have a fever etc" and sent me on my way. Yes I am a mild hypochondriac, but I was SURE something was wrong with me.
Fast forward to last Friday. I had seriously been going to bed by 9 the entire week because I just didn't feel good. And on Friday weird crusty ear returned! It became increasingly more difficult to hear and I figured I was just getting a cold. Saturday morning I was hanging out with my friend Simi and my ear was literally throbbing with odd stabbing pains. I was pretty sluggish all day and decided to go over to my moms to have her check out the ear. All the while I was in moderate pain. My mom was unable to make heads or tails of the situation because my ear was pretty swollen and also it was very PAINFUL and unable to stand even the slightest touch.
I slept about 2 hours on Saturday night and Sunday was left with no choice but to hit up the ER.
Of course it's lame in there not to mention gross even at a nice suburban hospital and I was pretty low on the totem pole until I almost passed out in the room they put me in.
The doctor confirmed I had an inner AND outer ear infection as well as a perforated eardrum. Nice...not really. Antibiotics, painkillers and cold medicine became the order of the day.
However - the pain did not go away - until Tuesday. Well this is when my eardrum actually burst. Yes burst and that's why the pain stopped. So fast forward to Sunday where I feel okay since sleeping no less than 12 hours a night for the last week. Oh and cleaning the gross aftermath of the burst is also very fun! So if you're wondering why i've been m.i.a. the last few days, no you know...feel bad for me yet???
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Cloudy With A Chance Of Sun
I do not understand selfishness AT ALL. I am not always sweet, but a giver-of-myself I am...always. I will show you evidence to support that statement if you don't believe. I'm just not sure why there are a couple of people in my life that always always have to put themselves first? I mean seriously get your head out of your a** because you reap what you sow. And when you so obnoxious behavior...be scurred. Just sayin.
Also since I am on a roll-why must there always be someone who can't just "do" something? You wanted to "do" it right? Whatever that is: take on a new challenge, do something nice for someone else etc etc. Then WHY? WHY must you make such a big deal out of it? I do not want to here all the caveats and ugh moments you are having. No one forced your hand. Don't make me feel bad that you are unable to manage. I've managed much more difficult situations. Just sayin.
So there. Now I feel better. Now I can save the people I talk to all day everyday the very painful process of hearing me groan. Love you guys - thanks for listening!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Never enough time
1. Making delicious Halloween treats - I haven't really been very crafty lately, but I REALLY REALLY wanna make some goodies to bring to work tomorrow.
2. Perfecting a pot of chili - also for work fun tomorrow
3. Getting a mani/pedi - we all know this is a MUST on my list AND it's my b-day weekend! How can I turn 3-0 with bad nails???
4. Finding a party dress - YES I decided I would be in a dress for the official b-day celebration next week!
5. Cleaning my car - ahh I am a clean freak and the rugs in my car are killing me after having the girls last weekend
6. Hanging pictures that have been sitting in our apt hallway since August-geesh
See??? Why am I at work??? WHY??
Monday, October 5, 2009
Which leads me to my phone. It doesn't help when I never turn it off and it dings, beeps or rings all night. Now granted i've cut off alot of the middle-of-the-night callers, but my twitter updates and emails can't be cut off. Also i've come to find out that alot of people do not communicate with me in ways they should because "they know they can always get ahold of me." Lame. I always answer my phone. Always. So certain people have discovered they don't have to respond in timely ways because I will be available when they do. Not no more! I've started the habit of turning off my phone. Not at night...I will only silence it, because i'd hate to miss someone in distress. But at least twice a day now I will turn it off. Sometimes for ten minutes sometimes for an hour. Not to be mean, but the phone is a convenience, I am not. That's my point. So ladies and gents-if you need something after 11 PM or before 7 AM, you're going to have to plan accordingly:)
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Last 6 Days...
Volleyball tournament on Tuesday. Losing to the only team that beat us although I truly believe we could've beat them were it not for the mind games. Wednesday getting much needed "roots" fixed up and truly loving and finding new hair girl. Thank you Olivia who also happens to live a couple of blocks away from me. Coming home to pre Kings of Leon party and my first love standing in my apartment. Weird. Supposedly many peoples first love. I don't really care about that. Ha. Bodega then the Schott for the Kings who rocked. And apparently have songs that I have never heard before. At the Rossi after-the-show and staying up WAY too late. Thursday. Someone hustling down the stairs when I wake up for work. Vomit. Vomit. Pick up Kari at the airport and go say hi to mom. Mediocre lunch and two hours at F21. ROWE boutique fashion show. Chatting up Terri Stevens from Project Runway like we're old friends. Models walking a catwalk around a pool. Is this really my life? Kristin is still one of the most kind people I have ever known. Falling in love with foldover boots:) Kari gets to try a Rossi burger and I meet spot some Blue Jackets. This could be a really fun season. Get two Charley Horses. Two for realz. Friday is pancakes and strolling through Short North/Arena District/Downtown. Happy Hour at Hyde Park and Elderflower Martini's. Oh and the Blue Jackets again. Vino 100. Bar 23 with Josh and Joe from High School. Did I already say vomit? Street Meet. Cannot call it Meat. Also disgusting. Waking up very late on Saturday and missing yoga at Lulu. Egg Sandwiches for breakfast made by yours truly. Driving through campus because it's too rainy to tailgate. Going to my mom's to see the kiddos. Back to F21 and back to the airport. Tim Hortons for soup. I still can't walk v good:( Crew game with mom and dad, doesn't rain at all! Yippee. Take a Saturday night off and sleep in on Sunday. Church then grocery store. Returning M.A.C. that I don't need, but really want. Endless activity of putting stuff away. Over to Molly's to watch Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. Cookies. Ugh Monday and back at my desk. Wishing I could say what I need to say. 6 days. Wow!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Update On My Dad
So here's the skinny: he will most likely need surgery, he may eventually lose his sight, but the good news is it's not fatal. He will be in pain alot, but it's treatable and if all plans go accordingly-it will not kill him.
Please continue to pray for his recovery!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Counting Down
In otherwise within a two week time span from today, which I consider the weekend, I can to-a-fault tell you what's going on everyday and everynight. Now this isn't any big deal, but I can also tell this to you for most of the people I know who have let me in on their calendar. See what's that's annoying? I always know what's going on. In a way I pride myself on it.
So anywhoozers here are some things i'm counting down to in the next few weeks:
Tuesday 9/22 - Volleyball Tournament! I have really enjoyed volleyball this summer and in my opinion have possibly improved???
Wednesday 9/23 - Kings of Leon concert! Super annoying lately to try and get people on board with doing activities. Super.
Oh well, my bro and his girlfriend want to go, so i'll be the third wheel and hopefully the plans will stick!?!
Thursday 9/24 - Kari is commiiinnggg!!! My best friend from college and one of my closest friends in general!! Cannot wait to spend time with her and just get caught up! Also ROWE Fashion Show that night...new friends, cocktails etc. Oh an excuse to wear something real cute!
Friday 9/25 - Kari love fest continued and hopefully a chance for her to meet the boy! Cross yo fingers and yo toes:)
Saturday 9/26 - Illinois in town to play the Buckeyes AND wait for it...the hottest man alive - David Beckham. Becks better keep his fine ass healthy and show me what he's got (on the pitch of course!)
Oh and lets not forget...it's right around 45 days until I turn dirty 30...ugh!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I cannot make this stuff up!
Pardon my snaggle toe on the end
See big red blob, not small dot!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hospitality Management
I hated it. HATED IT! It was the worst.
These "people" infringing upon my summer and my "plans" and asking me questions in accents that I loathed. Ugh I was such a brat. I'm embarrassed at the me that used to act like that. My mom and I would constantly butt heads about this.
I would complain and complain about having to get up early and make sure everyone had what they needed even if that included full-plate "American breakfasts." You know what I mean right? Eggs, bacon, sausage...the "Why America Is Fat" breakfast!
So why do you ask am I thinking about this now? Well because I love entertaining! It's so ironic right? The things we used to hate instead of becoming good at, we choose to do now? I love having people over. Cleaning up the house and getting everything ready...We've had people over almost every night that we've lived in our new apartment. Seriously it's awesome. Some stay for ten minutes some stay all night.
Doesn't matter to me-i'm honing my hostessing skills. On which I have to toot my own horn here and say that i've done it a few times this summer (hostessing) that is and i'm not too shabby.
Well I guess that's up to the people who have been my guests, so you'll have to ask them!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dog Jog
Kim, Justine, Becca and I have been volunteering with the CHA since the end of spring. We're mostly slated to work "events." We heart events in case you didn't realize it...hmmk?
This works out very well since we're all very busy living life to the fullest!
This Saturday was their annual Dog Jog which is a 5k with proceeds benefitting the shelter. Here are some pics of us hard at work - serisously we were up at 7 on a Saturday!
Anything for the doggies:)
Make a donation! DO IT!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
1. iPhone - we know the story behind my phone and how I comteplated ways to get back my Blackberry Pearl for weeks. No dice now. I heart the iPhone in a ways that I will never be able to use another device ever.
2. Laptop - being able to work and check my facebook, blogs and not to mention make travel plans...nuff said.
3. Caffeine - straight coffee, non-fat lattes, non-fat green tea lattes, non-fat chai's and tea of any variety...thank you liquid energy. Thank You.
4. Shoes - not just any shoes. Great shoes. These can make your day. Whether it's the perfect running shoe, a great heel that happens to be comfortable, a really sick pair of sneakers of the sandals you can throw on with anyone. Instant gratification!
5. Dresses - I can't talk about the shoes without mentioning the dress. I heart the dress! It does wonders for your legs and your spirits. A dress that fits well can change your life. I believe this wholeheartedly:)
6. DVR - is there any other way to watch tv? Besides watching live sports the DVR is a very very necessary piece of equipment!
7. Fashion magazines - I can't keep up with mine! How would I know what's in style if I didn't have these? I'm not going to be inspired at work with all the men and old ladies I work with LOL
8. Vacations - the beach, the city, Vegas, bright lights, beaches, mountains...fresh food, cocktails, no bedtime, no alarm clock! I want I want!!
9. Jewelry - the sentimental kind. The kind that means something and everytime you wear it you feel special. And you remember the person who gave it to you or the exact moment that you bought it and why...that type of jewelry.
10. Physical fitness - i've turned my back on it for awhile, but seriously nothing makes you feel better than putting your body to work!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Okay...there is so much else going on...
1. My dad - Hopefully tomorrow is the day they find out about the tumor (hopefully lack there of) for sure. Not only is this such an incredible stress right now, but the way my family deals with any kind of issue makes me even more stressed! Their lack of urgency in finding out the outcome of all his CT Scans, MRI's etc is so ridiculous words cannot express! I will stop being selfish and remember that he is the most important person in this situation and not my lack of being "in charge."
2. My mother - as if the above referenced situation wasn't wacky enough, my mom may officially gone off the deep end. I am kidding and not kidding. Her questions to me have gotten more and more out of control and my lack of patience for her is zero. Zero tolerance.
3. My new apartment - why can't I get and stay happy about this? I'm REALLY really really looking forward to it, but I feel excited about the change only about 50% of the time! What is wrong with me? Someone please. Advice. Thanks!
4. Ex's - I don't have any ex's that are around. Maybe because I don't have that many ex's to begin with? LOL! Anyway...can someone please explain to me or shed some light on what an appropriate relationship with your ex should be, because I know very few people who have one.
5. Career - I have stated many times that I have a job and not a career. WELL since May i've really been hot on the trail of movin on up and I have some meet and greets coming up! Please say a prayer for me because I must must must get the career going! MUST!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ten Things That Make Me Happy
1. I've really come to realize how much I love a good conversation.
2. Getting hugs from the kiddos when I walk through the door.
3. Hearing a song I like on the radio.
4. Painting my nails with Kristin.
5. Being able to appreciate each moment, without the anticipation of the next one.
6. A really great cuddle buddy. Really great.
7. Laughing until my eyes tear up!
8. Sweet texts from my friends.
9. Appreciating my parents for who they are and not who I want them to be.
10. The Weekend!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hello June
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What I've Been Up Too
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So yes admittedly I have been slacking at work for the past few weeks...okay months. I can't help it. I can do my present job with little effort. I know that is sad, and that's why I don't like it. I've been a really hard worker my whole life. Literally I have always been working. I pride myself on doing a good job and making things easier for those around me. I don't do that here. I exert lackluster effort peppered with sarcasm. I'm always telling people, and I quote: "I need to take this more seriously."
So let me rewind to last week. When I decided to turn over a new leaf so to speak. I was really motivated when I worked around people in my group last Thursday instead of sitting by myself in my (cold) cube. Mentally I decided that I would just kick this job in the ass whether or not I liked it and the results have been phenomenal. Almost immediately I was more motivated and felt better about the situation.
Friday I was busy all day....and I had a sense of accomplishment. Even the weekend was really great. Monday I came in with the most energy i've had in weeks here. It was a great day, I was able to help people and most of all I was my super outgoing self, not the surly quiet self that appears at work.
So here comes Tuesday...I am once again filled with energy. A really good work friend who is always looking out for me says via instant messaging that there's a req open in Communications and I would be perfect for it. We all know communicating is my thang! So I look for it, but can't find it...i'm super bummed. Same friend says "call me now!" So I call. Turns out this friend has told my boss (who is also a friend of sorts) about this job and he agrees on the perfection and calls the hiring manager. The hiring manager then calls me and says we'll talk tomorrow (today.)
So we have our weekly team meeting and find out more about the org changes that will affect us...more on that later...then I am to meet with potential new boss.
Meanwhile awesome work friend is giving me a really great pep talk and my current boss comes out of his meeting to do the same. Amazing...these two really care, and i'm getting slightly emotional. I meet with hiring manager and having slight doubts (prior to my pep talks) that I could win him over...I make him LAUGH!! Yes I did it! It's all very early stages, but literally I know all the players and what they want me to do is right up my ally. So I just finished the "official" resume sending and PLEASE everyone - keep your fingers CROSSED!! I'll keep you posted!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
A. we ran for a cause on sat
B. we didn’t drink this weekend
C. we went out with new people
D. we saw old friends and caught up with people we don’t always see
E. went to church
F. listened to motivational speaking
Funny how getting out and doing good things makes one feel good!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mothers Day
(trying to be Giada and cutting this cabbage, which was harder than you can imagine!)
(happy momma who will probably kill me for putting this picture on the internet)
(dog baby can never be lef t out and wondered what all the goodness was about)
Monday, May 11, 2009
True Story
Look at the eyelashes...so fancy!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Aidan's Preschool Spring Concert
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
What's a Pink Cupcake?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
But here I am blogging on a Saturday to my mind off of the fact like my legs are itching like someone is paying them to!! TMI? Sorry. I'm 100% convinced of the fact that i'm allergic to shaving cream. I've had mild incidents like this before, but this is enough to make me want to set the can on fire!
So hasta luego Skintimate!!
So I thought i'd share with you some of my discoveries for this week. In no particular order...
1. "The Flat Belly Diet" 4 day bloat detox is the best thing i've done for myself in months. Most people know of my struggle to lose the last 10 pounds for the last year. Nothing has worked. I mean nothing. Working out multiple times a week, eating low-cal or low carb stuff. Nothing. So this week I try this detox. Literally 4 pounds in four days. Magic. Well not quite magic. I had to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks.
**Fast forward almost 48 hours** The leg itching didn't stop for awhile and almost ruined my Saturday!!
Okay, back to the detox. It works! 4 pounds in 4 days! I didn't do it over the weekend, but i'm back today and on the portion control. Super excited to see how many more I can drop before Chicago, i'm hoping for 10, but i'll take 10 total!
2. Baileys Chocolate Cheesecake - once a week I get together with my girlfriends for dinner. We usually just have a smorgasbord of all of our leftovers and end up with a pretty good meal. Abigail had leftovers of this cheesecake she had made for a party and it was one of the best things I have ever tasted! Now, I did not go off the detox...I had one (maybe three small bites) I'm a dessert freak, so this one is definitely going into my repertoire. Go here for the recipe: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1910,149177-228207,00.html
3. Slatkin candles. I love scented candles, but I don't like ones that (are) supposed to smell like cakes, apple pies, babies etc. Slatkin makes the best scented candles. They are not overwhelming, do not give me a headache and they now have a more affordable line at Bath&Body Works. You should know that buy affordable I mean like $1.50 for a votive. I'm pretty sure it's pretty annoying when people say "oh it's so affordable" then it's a frickin $20.
Go get you a candle!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
To Buy or not the buy?
So then another year went by and I finally had some greenbacks, but still not a ton of work experience. Moving to Chicago with little or no "real" work experience is silly and would've put me back to square one.
So FINALLY at the end of '07 I thought I would start looking for a place to call my own. Literally I looked at my 12-14 condos over the course of a few months. It made my head spin.
If I buy, i've got to get a home loan, find something nice and newer, in a desirable area, that will hold it's value, is close but not too close to my family, is close-ish to work.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I've really got alot of good things going for me and even better things ahead. So even if I can't see them right now, it's not a good time to give up and bury my head (even though I really want to.)
So i'm already having a good day just realizing all of this. Wow i'm wise! HA HA!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm back...
I took a couple of unintentional days off of blogging. This weekend I was back in Nashville for Samantha and Seth's wedding. Sam and her family are very close friends of our family. Our moms were both friends in South Africa, and then coincidentally both moved with their families to the US. The wedding was beautiful and accessorized in my favorite color PINK!
Here are some pics from the wedding day. There are many more on facebook!
Happy Anniversary To Me!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Big Brother Update...
P: We really like you, but we're not convinced you're tough enough.
RC: Oh i'm plenty tough, that's hard to deduce in a 10 minute conversation
P: Well you're really pretty and usually the pretty girls are less nice
RC: So i'm not making it because i'm pretty and nice?
P: There are just alot of pretty nice girls around you can understand.
RC: I guess....thanks
So the moral of the story? Always be mean! Unless you're me of course!
Writers Block
1. I am super tired
2. I've got a freight train of thoughts speeding through my mind.
Let me explain #1. I tossed and turned all night due to a wonky ass dream I had. I will spare you the details because otherwise you may not look at me the same.
Let me explain #2. So many things going on I could not fall asleep! This happens from time to time, but I could not fall asleep!
So here I am with all the things i've been wanting to say on BOTH my blogs. Looks like there's no sleepytime for me anytime soon:(
But look for new blogs on both sites. Other site if you're brave http://thetwizone.blogspot.com/
Stuff White People Like
Stuff White People Like
#124 Hating People Who Wear Ed Hardy
Posted: 13 Apr 2009 04:29 PM PDT
Often it can be easier to find common ground with a white person by talking to them about something you both hate. Discussing things you both like might lead to an argument over who likes it more or who liked it first. Clearly, the safest route is mutual hatred. When choosing to talk about something that white people hate, it’s best to choose something that will allow white people to make clever comments or at the very least feel better about themselves. Currently, the easiest way to do that is to ask a white person for their thoughts on people who wear Ed Hardy.
Ed Hardy is a clothing company that makes a wide range of expensive t-shirts, hoodies, and jeans. These clothes are notable for their use of elements from classic tattoo design such as skulls, hearts, and dragons. On the surface, the use of the words “classic” “tattoo” and “t-shirt” would seem like a logical fit for white people, but it is not. White people hate these clothes unilaterally and it is advised that you merely accept that at face value. If you were to ask a white person to explain why a regular size dragon logo is ok but one that goes around the neck is not, you would be trapped in a long and fruitless conversation.
To put this in proper perspective, Ed Hardy is so hated by white people that it cannot be worn ironically. This is no small feat. As it stands, the only other entries in this category are Nazi Uniforms, Ku Klux Klan Robes, and self-tanner.
Since you cannot in good conscience have an Ed Hardy themed party, the best way to make use of this white hatred is to give your stories a little more appeal to white people.
For example, if you take the reasonable but not compelling story: “I got cut off in traffic this morning and when I honked the guy gave me the finger,” and replace it with: “I got cut off in traffic this morning by this guy in an Ed Hardy shirt. I honked and then he gave me the finger!” The story will become sixty percent more interesting to white people because it allows them to make a witty response like: “I guess that douche bag had to get to a UFC party or a nightclub event he was promoting.”
Follow this up with a laugh, a high five, and a compliment about the acceptable shirt the white person is wearing and you will find yourself with a new friend.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Big Brother
So yesterday I put on my pretty face and went down to wait in line with the other hopefuls. My first thought was "I got this." The folks in line seemingly were not the stuff reality show goodness is made of (i'm judging solely on looks.) I made some friends in line, which is what happens when you wait outside for 3 hours on a somewhat chilly morning. After 3 we make it inside to wait another 1 until someone takes our mugshot (a random # assigned to us by a PA who resembled Tracy Turnblad.) Then we go in to meet a producer in groups of five. Said producer is very perky but quite unfriendly and makes it clear that she is the star until we of course make it on to the show:)
Overall I think I made a good impression...more on this to follow.
Now just waiting on the call back, and waiting, and waiting and waiting...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Too Much
So this week has been so bad I haven't even been able to do that! Ugh! I'm taking a baby step and at least starting the dialogue on how utterly clueless I am right now to get any kind of normality, vision and control in my life. I've thought about checking into a hotel and just kind of zoning out and coming up with a game plan. It sounds selfish but I really need to focus on me and what I want. Want I want to do (career wise) where I want to live (move out of state?) All of these things I just cannot do in my present situation. There is far too much drama and i'm having to do far too much middle-manning to be able to do anything for myself right now.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Funny Story
They've been on spring break this week and took a trip to Iceland to visit their dad/my brother since he isn't back in the States yet. Last night at dinner I was asking them how it was etc, and I asked Maddie about her old basketball coach (when I visited last fall they were convinced he was my boyfriend.)
This is how the conversation went:
Me - did you see the basketball coach?
Maddie - your boyfriend? No...wait how can you have two boyfriends?
Jonah - Yeah she has two!
Maddie - the basketball coach and Robert Pattinson!
Aidan - is Robert the guy who looks like this guy? (runs to get the Twilight dvd cover, points to Edward)
Me - Yes that's Robert Pattinson
Aidan - Your boyfriend is a vampire?
Jonah - He was in Twilight? I love vampires! Can we watch it?
Me - uh...i'm not sure...uh probably not...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
So long Megan
I had such high hopes for you...you were my favorite girl in the competition. B ut you could never really hold it down except the night you were sick. Also your dancing was very strange and awkward but I guess that was part of your charm.
Well the last two nights you have acted like a fool. C'mon...your song sucked Tuesday night and when faced with criticism your response was egotistical and silly. And what was up with last night? Did you take on too many xanax? The squawking and and strange motions were too much. Not to mention the verbal diarrhea and obnoxious waves to the camera.
What a let down. It was truly your time to go. But you should know that however pretty you are, the way you acted last night is the way you'll be remembered, and that's no way to make it big!