Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To Buy or not the buy?

To buy or not to buy? This is the question i've been pondering at least 18 months. That's right...do the math, that means I've been thinking about it since way back in 2007.
I just can't decide! When I moved back to Columbus from Chicago, I had literally told myself that I would go back to the ci-tay in a year. Well that was a rough year for me. I didn't/couldn't find a "real" job for almost 6 or 7 months. So I spent my days working at a makeup counter and waitressing (good ole fallback:)
So then another year went by and I finally had some greenbacks, but still not a ton of work experience. Moving to Chicago with little or no "real" work experience is silly and would've put me back to square one.
So FINALLY at the end of '07 I thought I would start looking for a place to call my own. Literally I looked at my 12-14 condos over the course of a few months. It made my head spin.
And the downtown in Columbus is not the downtown in Chicago,
and that truly is my main roadblock.
Well the time has come that I MUST make a decision about this. MUST.
If I rent, it's a matter of finding something reasonable that is nice and newer and is in a desirable area.
If I buy, i've got to get a home loan, find something nice and newer, in a desirable area, that will hold it's value, is close but not too close to my family, is close-ish to work.
See the variables?
One clearly has more demands er-requirements.
I think I made up my mind. I think renting for 6 months and figuring out the relocation during that time and if i'm not going anywhere i'll buy.
Yep, that is the decision. I'm sticking with that plan. For now anyway:)

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