Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I often times think how much simpler life could be? What it would be like if we didn't have to dress to impress or make plans to see our closest friends weeks in advance? I'm sure these thoughts have all crossed your minds too. Here are a few things that simplify my life although they are certainly not very simple:
1. iPhone - we know the story behind my phone and how I comteplated ways to get back my Blackberry Pearl for weeks. No dice now. I heart the iPhone in a ways that I will never be able to use another device ever.
2. Laptop - being able to work and check my facebook, blogs and not to mention make travel plans...nuff said.
3. Caffeine - straight coffee, non-fat lattes, non-fat green tea lattes, non-fat chai's and tea of any variety...thank you liquid energy. Thank You.
4. Shoes - not just any shoes. Great shoes. These can make your day. Whether it's the perfect running shoe, a great heel that happens to be comfortable, a really sick pair of sneakers of the sandals you can throw on with anyone. Instant gratification!
5. Dresses - I can't talk about the shoes without mentioning the dress. I heart the dress! It does wonders for your legs and your spirits. A dress that fits well can change your life. I believe this wholeheartedly:)
6. DVR - is there any other way to watch tv? Besides watching live sports the DVR is a very very necessary piece of equipment!
7. Fashion magazines - I can't keep up with mine! How would I know what's in style if I didn't have these? I'm not going to be inspired at work with all the men and old ladies I work with LOL
8. Vacations - the beach, the city, Vegas, bright lights, beaches, mountains...fresh food, cocktails, no bedtime, no alarm clock! I want I want!!
9. Jewelry - the sentimental kind. The kind that means something and everytime you wear it you feel special. And you remember the person who gave it to you or the exact moment that you bought it and why...that type of jewelry.
10. Physical fitness - i've turned my back on it for awhile, but seriously nothing makes you feel better than putting your body to work!

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