Sunday, April 12, 2009

Big Brother

It's not my favorite show but one of my life's goals is to be on a reality show, so I tried out. Big Brother brought their audition crew right here to Buckeye City appropriately at the Buckeye Cafe. I have nothing to lose or gain by being on besides fulfilling a personal goal. Of course my ultimate goal is to be on Survivor. I could win. No questions asked.
So yesterday I put on my pretty face and went down to wait in line with the other hopefuls. My first thought was "I got this." The folks in line seemingly were not the stuff reality show goodness is made of (i'm judging solely on looks.) I made some friends in line, which is what happens when you wait outside for 3 hours on a somewhat chilly morning. After 3 we make it inside to wait another 1 until someone takes our mugshot (a random # assigned to us by a PA who resembled Tracy Turnblad.) Then we go in to meet a producer in groups of five. Said producer is very perky but quite unfriendly and makes it clear that she is the star until we of course make it on to the show:)
Overall I think I made a good impression...more on this to follow.
Now just waiting on the call back, and waiting, and waiting and waiting...

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