Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Year in Review - January

I decided a couple of weeks ago that I would recap my year via this blog and try and reflect on mostly the good things that happened. Overall, this was a good year for me. I've done alot for myself and I can honestly say i've started to put myself first.
So January...cold, snowy and usually when the winter blues set in! Late in December Emily and the kids moved back from Iceland, so December was a bit of a transition month in my homestead. Emily started grad school and aunt Renschke was watching kids a couple of days a week.
One of my resolutions had been to cut out a relationship that was going nowhere and I sort of failed at that the very first weeks of the year...oops! Live and learn, right?
That's pretty much all I can remember from January so I think that means I didn't have much to complain about ha ha!!

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