Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Patience is a virtue. We all know that...well we all try and know that, right? My friend Kristin tells me over and over that i'm the most patient person she's ever met. Ya right!
No for real she's always talking about how I wait it out, make educated decisions, don't rush into things etc etc. Then I wait and wait and wait. And i'm sure there are things i'm still waiting on! So lately i've been feeling like she's on to something. I've been waiting 3 or so years to get my career started in Marketing. This week I started my first grad school class for my MBA in Marketing. You have no idear how invigorated I was!
Literally I saw flashes of myself five years ago (think pantsuit with t-shirt underneath so as not to be too stuffy) these are the kind of things I think about when plotting my future-my outfit. No really, let's get back to the point.
Everything happens for a reason-we don't need to go into how many ways i've experienced this. And I think if I started grad school a few years ago when I wanted to, I would probably not have been this motivated to better myself and lets be honest I would have half assed it.
Oh I was jacked like a rabbit yesterday!
I'm so excited! I might even start reading for next Tuesday's class tomorrow! Crazy talk:)
I can see it now "I started my career at Nationwide before transitioning to be one of the leading Marketing consultants in the area." LOVES IT!!

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