Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What I've Been Up Too

I've taken an unintentional break from blogging AND facebook! I know, i'm as shocked as you are...but i've been busy. Really busy. You know how it is when people say they're busy, but they're actually not - it's just an excuse to not see you? Well my friends in the blogoshpere, that is not what's going on here. I give you the top five things that have been occupying my time since last week:
5. Work
- It has been off the chain ridiculous. So much going on which makes it even more chaotic than usual. In addition to the organizational changes and my team leaving me for someone else (they're probably thrilled about this) i've had a new job opportunity come into the mix which i'm really excited about, but it's still up in the air.
4. Not living in a SUV by this lake thingy on the way to Jeffersonville
- this is sort of an inside joke, but it was my backup plan if I were in fact to get fired...I mean "let go." Scott let me know today that I would in fact be going with him to our new organization! I think my crying worked? Wait...did you really think I cried? Come on...I just begged a little:)
3. Moving
- I was prepped to move. Excuse me; i've been ready to move. So my bags all three or four or ten are packed. All I needed to do was move my bed, dresser, clothes and a few other miscellaneous things and it would have been a long chapter closed for me. Well Kim has had some really great movement with people looking at her house, so for right now that is off the table. I'm super excited for her, she needs/wants her house to sell something bad. We knew Murphy's Law would step in here the second I was ready. So for now, we'll put the Rosslyn Ave move on ice and start checking out apartments downtown!
2. Chicago
- I made it to the Windy this weekend. It had been awhile and looongg overdue, so I packed my snakeskin overnight bag and headed out on the road! It was super fun of course. Catching up with the usuals and then also Leah and Rachael from Judson (long overdue reunion.) I felt like a little bit of a party pooper because I didn't want to go "out" but seriously that part of my life is mostly over and I enjoy conversation where I can actually hear people now. So I did alot of face time, and I hoped everyone loved it as much as I did. The only thing I would change is having people meet me in a central location and not driving around so much. It's really time consuming and adds to the tiredness that traveling already causes.
1. Miami
- This is my first mention about this subject here, and I can't say that it won't be the last...I want to preserve the goodness and more importantly I need to do everything in my power to not jinx it. But let me just say that it's like I have no one else to talk to or spend time with. I could seriously talk to Miami for hours on end. Someone asked me yesterday what it is I don't like about M, and I had nothing. NOT ONE THING!! Oh no I said I wasn't going to jinx it, so i'm stopping. But I will say that you truly don't know how bad some relationships are until you have a good one. I think I have a good one **squeal**

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Okay so usually whenever I talk about work (at least when i'm venting my frustrations) it's not good...blah blah blah. This week, work has been fantastic! No really I am NOT kidding! I've been having some issues with not being challenged and feeling displaced etc and when this happens I totally become numb to things.
So yes admittedly I have been slacking at work for the past few weeks...okay months. I can't help it. I can do my present job with little effort. I know that is sad, and that's why I don't like it. I've been a really hard worker my whole life. Literally I have always been working. I pride myself on doing a good job and making things easier for those around me. I don't do that here. I exert lackluster effort peppered with sarcasm. I'm always telling people, and I quote: "I need to take this more seriously."
So let me rewind to last week. When I decided to turn over a new leaf so to speak. I was really motivated when I worked around people in my group last Thursday instead of sitting by myself in my (cold) cube. Mentally I decided that I would just kick this job in the ass whether or not I liked it and the results have been phenomenal. Almost immediately I was more motivated and felt better about the situation.
Friday I was busy all day....and I had a sense of accomplishment. Even the weekend was really great. Monday I came in with the most energy i've had in weeks here. It was a great day, I was able to help people and most of all I was my super outgoing self, not the surly quiet self that appears at work.
So here comes Tuesday...I am once again filled with energy. A really good work friend who is always looking out for me says via instant messaging that there's a req open in Communications and I would be perfect for it. We all know communicating is my thang! So I look for it, but can't find it...i'm super bummed. Same friend says "call me now!" So I call. Turns out this friend has told my boss (who is also a friend of sorts) about this job and he agrees on the perfection and calls the hiring manager. The hiring manager then calls me and says we'll talk tomorrow (today.)
So we have our weekly team meeting and find out more about the org changes that will affect us...more on that later...then I am to meet with potential new boss.
Meanwhile awesome work friend is giving me a really great pep talk and my current boss comes out of his meeting to do the same. Amazing...these two really care, and i'm getting slightly emotional. I meet with hiring manager and having slight doubts (prior to my pep talks) that I could win him over...I make him LAUGH!! Yes I did it! It's all very early stages, but literally I know all the players and what they want me to do is right up my ally. So I just finished the "official" resume sending and PLEASE everyone - keep your fingers CROSSED!! I'll keep you posted!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


For the first time in the longest time I can remember:
I do not have a case of the Mondays!
I am seriously in such a good mood, it is shocking.
I'm pretty sure it's because I turned over some new "leaves" at work and some great new relationships that are starting and some bad ones that are ending.
This post will probably be rambly because I feel rambly. All I want to do is talk and spread my cheer to all around me. I had a really great weekend and spent some quality time talking to the "right" people. I have alot of people in my life that just take and take.
It's nice to have a listening ear from time to time and not just people who want to talk about the woes in their own life.
So I was sitting here thinking about this great day and how I feel optimistic about things in the first time in forever and I get this email from Kim:
Subject: This is why we are starting the week off right
A. we ran for a cause on sat
B. we didn’t drink this weekend
C. we went out with new people
D. we saw old friends and caught up with people we don’t always see
E. went to church
F. listened to motivational speaking
Funny how getting out and doing good things makes one feel good!
For real...this true! I've made it to 12:32 and no one has ruined my mood! I'm not going to dare anyone to try, but I really hope I can make this optimism LAST!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day

I was having serious issues with this Mothers Day post. All I wanted to do was tell you about the day and delicious meal that I made, but my computer (or this site) kept doing funny things and not saving it. So here it is...better late than never.

After much deliberating, I decided to make momma lunch versus taking the family out to lunch.

Now granted that would have been easier, but cooking is more personal. Don't you think?

So here I am putting my skills to work in the kitchen. It was a great day and super sunny outside so we ate on the patio!

(trying to be Giada and cutting this cabbage, which was harder than you can imagine!)

(happy momma who will probably kill me for putting this picture on the internet)

(dog baby can never be lef t out and wondered what all the goodness was about)

(the finished product of deliciousness. healthy and tasty! I can supply recipes if needed)

Monday, May 11, 2009

True Story

I was at the mall the other day when I saw this and I HAD to take a couple of pictures of this car! This woman (I know it was a lady because I saw her:) is clearly obsessed with ladybugs.

(notice the I love ladybugs sticker. really? we were wondering...)I wonder how much this paint job cost?

Look at the fancy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Aidan's Preschool Spring Concert

Not a sweeter child has ever lived than my nephew Aidan (hopefully my own kid will be sweet too.) I am not being partial. Aidan is the nicest most kind hearted child/person to ever live.
He will some day grow up to save babies or animals or the world.
Here he is at his spring concert on Tuesday night showing off his artwork.
Here a few things I have to say about this concert: I will start off with the fact that it was only 25 minutes long and I almost missed it. Had to shower after the gym and blah blah blah. I guess 25 minutes is all that you can keep 3-5 year olds occupied? They were super cute (none cuter than Aidy though.) Singing and twirling their little hearts out!
Howevah; the parents of preschoolers are not cute. At the first peep 95% of them were on their feet videotaping. I'm wondering if they seriously watch these things? Also when the director of the program said they were going to dismiss the kids to their assigned waiting area and the parents were to wait until they were back to get them, what did they all do? You got it. Run over there and cause chaos. No wonder all these kids have selective hearing.
*Side note*I can say these things because I am not a parent...only an aunt and caregiver he he!!
Afterward he was so excited about his performance! He wanted to say hi to all the kids and introduce us to all his friends. I love it. Also Aidan loves to get dressed up...look how handsome he looks in his striped shirt and sweater vest!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's a Pink Cupcake?

Well besides the name of my blog-it's me! A couple of years ago I started playing fantasy baseball with some dudes I work with. Most people who know me, know that I heart baseball. It's my FAVORITE sport.
I love going to games, playing it, watching it on tv...any and all of the above.
So when they asked me after stating for several months: "we don't let women play because they don't really get it" I eagerly agreed. Well their teams have names like the "bar brawlers" and "sluggers." I had to set myself apart as the only female.
That prompted me to come up with "Pink Cupcake!" I love it!
And since then i've of course then i've taken it further and described it as:
"why have chocolate or vanilla, if you can have pink?"
Nuff said.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


It's Saturday. Duh. I don't usually blog on the weekend because I am SO (not) busy. Actually the real reason is because I stare at a computer all day everyday and I like to decompress and do "other" activities like watch tv.

But here I am blogging on a Saturday to my mind off of the fact like my legs are itching like someone is paying them to!! TMI? Sorry. I'm 100% convinced of the fact that i'm allergic to shaving cream. I've had mild incidents like this before, but this is enough to make me want to set the can on fire!
So hasta luego Skintimate!!

So I thought i'd share with you some of my discoveries for this week. In no particular order...

1. "The Flat Belly Diet" 4 day bloat detox is the best thing i've done for myself in months. Most people know of my struggle to lose the last 10 pounds for the last year. Nothing has worked. I mean nothing. Working out multiple times a week, eating low-cal or low carb stuff. Nothing. So this week I try this detox. Literally 4 pounds in four days. Magic. Well not quite magic. I had to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks.

**Fast forward almost 48 hours** The leg itching didn't stop for awhile and almost ruined my Saturday!!

Okay, back to the detox. It works! 4 pounds in 4 days! I didn't do it over the weekend, but i'm back today and on the portion control. Super excited to see how many more I can drop before Chicago, i'm hoping for 10, but i'll take 10 total!

2. Baileys Chocolate Cheesecake - once a week I get together with my girlfriends for dinner. We usually just have a smorgasbord of all of our leftovers and end up with a pretty good meal. Abigail had leftovers of this cheesecake she had made for a party and it was one of the best things I have ever tasted! Now, I did not go off the detox...I had one (maybe three small bites) I'm a dessert freak, so this one is definitely going into my repertoire. Go here for the recipe:,1910,149177-228207,00.html

3. Slatkin candles. I love scented candles, but I don't like ones that (are) supposed to smell like cakes, apple pies, babies etc. Slatkin makes the best scented candles. They are not overwhelming, do not give me a headache and they now have a more affordable line at Bath&Body Works. You should know that buy affordable I mean like $1.50 for a votive. I'm pretty sure it's pretty annoying when people say "oh it's so affordable" then it's a frickin $20.
Go get you a candle!