Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pen to Paper

It's been awhile since i've written anything down. Maybe because there are so many thoughts swirling around in my head it's hard to make sense of many of them? So here goes...
I guess i'm going to make a list of the things on my mind and circle back to one or two of them a day...there, that should help the writers block fade away real fast. Hopefully anyways!
1. Black and White - this one shouldn't be too bad. I already started a posted note with some thoughts I had.
2. Big picture - everyone knows I am not someone that thinks about the immediate. Instant gratification is not a reaction i'm prone to have. I've been thinking about my life long term lately and there are definitely some things I want to continue pursuing.
3. Back in the game - yes I AM back. There are alot of things this encompasses, so this should be a pretty juicy one...
4. Day to day - how to avoid getting the day to day blues
Okay four things. And i'm pretty wordy. So hopefully that should last a while.

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