I have not blogged in over a month! WHATTTT?? That is totally crazykins. Anyway I will blame my lack of blogging and rightfully so on the fact that there is something that I can't blog about but that I think about everyday. And I have a big mouth, so that equals me not blogging because I can't trust myself not to tell my "secret."
Okay...there is so much else going on...
1. My dad - Hopefully tomorrow is the day they find out about the tumor (hopefully lack there of) for sure. Not only is this such an incredible stress right now, but the way my family deals with any kind of issue makes me even more stressed! Their lack of urgency in finding out the outcome of all his CT Scans, MRI's etc is so ridiculous words cannot express! I will stop being selfish and remember that he is the most important person in this situation and not my lack of being "in charge."
2. My mother - as if the above referenced situation wasn't wacky enough, my mom may officially gone off the deep end. I am kidding and not kidding. Her questions to me have gotten more and more out of control and my lack of patience for her is zero. Zero tolerance.
3. My new apartment - why can't I get and stay happy about this? I'm REALLY really really looking forward to it, but I feel excited about the change only about 50% of the time! What is wrong with me? Someone please. Advice. Thanks!
4. Ex's - I don't have any ex's that are around. Maybe because I don't have that many ex's to begin with? LOL! Anyway...can someone please explain to me or shed some light on what an appropriate relationship with your ex should be, because I know very few people who have one.
5. Career - I have stated many times that I have a job and not a career. WELL since May i've really been hot on the trail of movin on up and I have some meet and greets coming up! Please say a prayer for me because I must must must get the career going! MUST!